Danja Vasiliev  

Danja Vasiliev is a Russian born computer artist currently living between Berlin and Rotterdam. Working with diverse methods, technologies and materials Danja ridicules the contemporary affection for digital life and questions the global tendency for cyborgination. He is currently developing several special devices that will become the new tools of a digital interventionist.

Written by selena on May 15th, 2011

Darija Medić  

Darija Medić was born in Belgrade, Serbia, in 1986. At the moment, she is a second year student of the Networked media program at the Piet Zwart Institute. Formerly educated at the New media department, Fine art academy, Novi Sad, Serbia, concentrated around video, photography, theory of form and intermediary research. Informally educated from workshops, seminars, and previous mistakes. Interested in dynamics, aesthetics and ethics of communication, practical cultural theory, modes and languages of conduct, the habitual side of the human-technology relationship, with practice outside gallery spaces, towards public life.

Written by selena on May 15th, 2011


We are women and women-identified gender minorities. We belong to various generations and speak many different languages. What we share is a desire to shape the world we live in. As activists we make conscious choices about the technology we use.

The Genderchangers operate on an informal, ad-hoc, D.I.Y., hands-on basis in a non-purpose-driven, non-competitive atmosphere of mutual respect. The Genderchangers act as catalyst for participant-driven events. The emphasis is on expanding skills and insights through exchange and collaboration and learning by explaining/doing. On the principle of “each one teach one”, everyone who learns something through the Genderchangers is encouraged to pass their knowledge and skills on to others.


Written by selena on May 15th, 2011

Gordan Savičić  

Gordan Savičić (AT/NL) is an artist playing with software algorithms, experimental media and fine art. His projects are a materialized collision of informations systems and the human body. Through participation and collaboration in various projects and performances, his works were shown in several countries; such as Japan (dis-locate), Germany (Transmediale), Spain (Arco Madrid), France (IRCAM) and the Netherlands (V2_), among many others.

Written by selena on May 15th, 2011

Maria Karagianni  

Maria Karagianni is a media artist/designer originally from Athens, Greece (b. 1979), currently based in Rotterdam.
She works with open source software for the web and for live performances with the use of new and old media such as computers, web cams, light sensors, radios and slide projectors. Since 2009, she has co-founded 0pen M0de collective for experiments in technology and audience participation in the field of dance and sound composition.

Written by selena on May 15th, 2011

Roger 10-4  

(Sabrina Basten and Audrey Samson)

Sabrina and Audrey are two artist working in different artistic fields, Sabrina is mainly working on spatial installations which deal with the behavior of specific materials. Audrey is interested in the stories of objects and how they can be told. Together they think of how material can tell a story and how it can interact with its surroundings. Sabrina and Audrey get their inspiration from inner parts of discarded objects. They work from the products of planned obsolescence, re-assembling objects with new functionalities in a DIY fashion.

Written by selena on May 24th, 2011

Selena Savić  

Selena Savić is an artists and architect born in Belgrade, in 1980. She graduated from Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade in 2006 and from a master in Media Design at the Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam, the Netherlands in 2010. She works with different contemporary media, tackling critical issues about cities, media and systems in general. She was part of many group exhibitions and festivals, showing her work in Belgrade, Berlin, Barcelona, Kopenhagen, Rotterdam, Stockholm, The Hague and Vienna, amongst others.

Written by selena on May 15th, 2011

Katharina Jesberger  

Katharina Jesberger graduated in Art History, Italian Studies and Video Post-Production. She wrote a thesis about the Milan based videogroup Studio Azzurro, worked at the Italian company tpo, an interactive video theater for children, and researches on videoart. Currently she teaches at the University for Applied Arts
in Vienna and is on the board of Mz Baltazar’s Laboratory.

Written by selena on May 13th, 2011

Mz Baltazar’s Laboratory  

Mz Baltazar’s Laboratory is a weekly event taking place in Vienna (Austria), specifically for persons who call themselves women or trans. If you love to make things, rather than consuming them, meet up at Mz Baltazar’s to share your skills. Mz Baltazar’s participants come from different backgrounds, ages and mindsets to exchange equipement, build circuits, play with DIY electronics and interactive art. We encourage each other to learn new tools and collaborate. All workshops are free in order to offer a fearless, accessible plattform to tinker with male connotated toys. The artwork created at Mz Baltazar’s Laboratory is generated with Open Source Soft- and Hardware. We see the process of demythifying technology as a fun way to articulate ourselves and become creative. Miss Baltazar’s Laboratory sessions also take place within the framework of different Media Art festivals such as the Transmediale in Berlin and at different Art Universities such as the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna.


Written by selena on May 14th, 2011